Parkings in Rúa Fátima, 7, 36206 Vigo, Pontevedra

Parking address


Rúa Fátima, 7, 36206 Vigo, Pontevedra
LAT 42.234220972869 LNG -8.708118646808911

directions_transit Public transport nearby

Getting around the center of Vigo and to and from Parking Hospital Fátima is very easy. Thanks to the Halo elevator of Vigo it is enough to walk from the Parking Fátima to the Vialia shopping center, go down with the elevator and you will find yourself in Rúa García Borbón, right in the center of the city. Alternatively, you can walk down, and in 12 minutes you will be on one of the main streets for the lights of Vigo, Rúa Urzáiz. There are also bus stops nearby: at Travesía de Vigo and Vigo bus station.

Points of interest

Parking Hospital Fátima is located just off Rúa Norte, a 4-minute walk from Vialia Shopping Center, Urzáiz train station and Vigo bus station, and is in front of Vithas Fátima Hospital and DomusVi Fátima nursing home. 
This central position is also perfect to admire the lights of Vigo at Christmas, especially thanks to the Halo de Vigo elevator, only 7 minutes walk away. 
Vithas Vigo Hospital

Vithas Vigo Hospital

Rúa Vía Nte., 48, 36206 Vigo, Pontevedra

Hospital Fátima Vithas Vigo is a private hospital offering services for private patients, to clients covered by health, traffic or work insurance who are looking for high quality medical care. The hospital covers almost all medical and surgical specialties, ensuring a wide range of services.

Church of Nuestra Señora de Fátima

Church of Nuestra Señora de Fátima

Rúa Vía Nte., 19, 36204 Vigo, Pontevedra

The Parish of Nª Sª de Fátima was created in 1948. It contains a sacred statue of Our Lady of Fatima, whose arrival was an important event for the city of Vigo. The church was built as it is today in the last century and inaugurated in 1959. The importance of this church is such that the very district where it is located bears its name: Fátima.

Vigo-Urzáiz Station

Vigo-Urzáiz Station

Rúa Vía Nte., 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra

Vigo has two railroad stations: a new one and an old one. The new Urzaiz station connects Vigo with the rest of the country with high speed trains, AVE. There is a ticket office on the B floor of the shopping center, while access to the tracks is on the E floor.

Vialia Vigo Shopping Center

Vialia Vigo Shopping Center

Praza Estación, 1, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra

The Vialia shopping center is the largest in Vigo. In this mall, you can find the premium Yelmo Cinema, a gym, 64 stores, and 27 restaurants. Not forgetting that on its -1 floor is the new high-speed Renfe Ave station and the new Vigo bus station.

Vigo Bus Station

Vigo Bus Station

Praza Estación, 1, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra

The Vigo bus station is located next to the Vialia shopping center and is divided into two floors, with thirty bus stops on the first floor and the central core with ticket offices and waiting room at the entrance. The bus station is a stone's throw from the AVE station, facilitating transportation and improving the connection with the Vigo - Peinador airport, the rest of Galicia and Portugal.

Urzáiz Street

Urzáiz Street

Vigo, Pontevedra

One of the main streets to walk along to see the famous Christmas lights of Vigo. Along with García Borbón street, Pincipe Street, and Compostela Square, Urzaiz Street is where you will see the most lights.

Rúa Serafín Avendaño, Santiago de Vigo, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra

Parkings in Rúa Fátima, 7, 36206 Vigo, Pontevedra