Book your parking online in Vigo
First entry
In/out access
Max height
2.10 mMax long
5 mMax width
2.50 mServices
Free places: 42
Booking for days
The parking barrier will open automatically when it recognizes your license plate number.
If you are looking for parking in Vigo, book at Parking Fátima. Get your guaranteed place quickly, easily and at the best price. It doesn't matter if you are visiting or need to carry out some management, it is the best alternative to get the most out of your stay.
This car park in the center of Vigo ensures maximum comfort and security. It is open 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday and also has a video surveillance system. Although this is not all, since it also has security personnel. It also offers access and payment by license plate, to make it easier for you to enter and exit the car park.
Located on Rúa de Fátima, 7, the car park is close to important points of interest in the city. This way, you can find the Vithas Vigo Hospital a 2-minute walk away and the Vigo-Urzáiz Station 7 minutes away. Although there are also other locations to take into account nearby, such as the Vialia Vigo shopping center, the Vigo Bus Station or the Church of Nuestra Señora de Fátima.
On the other hand, Urzáiz street is just a few minutes from the parking lot, an area where there is a wide variety of shops and restaurants at your disposal.
Don't waste any more time and reserve parking in Vigo with Parking Fátima. Forget about headaches and get your place at an exclusive price by booking through the website. In addition, you can cancel your reservation for free by giving 30 minutes' notice.
With Parking Fátima, parking in Vigo is now easier than ever.
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Rreviews from Parking Fátima (Vigo)
L'alçada és 2,10. Hi caben cotxes grans i el personal molt amable. El cotxe n'està segur i l'aparcament és net i espaiós
M'agrada la seva ubicació, a prop de l'hospital Fàtima. Però les seves places són molt petites i la baixada a la segona planta és complicada
Em va agradar molt aquest pàrquing, he hagut de deixar el cotxe uns dies per un tema hospitalari i el personal m'ha facilitat tot, fins i tot l'ampliació de reserva tot i haver-la agafat inicialment per internet. Les places són àmplies, els accessos còmodes i els treballadors molt atents i agradables.